Churches Together in New Eltham

Churches Together in New Eltham (CTNE)

All Saints is a participant Church of CTNE, whose aim is to promote and co-ordinate local church activities for the mutual benefit of the churches congregations and to help engage with the wider New Eltham public.

Other participants are The Methodists, The Redeemed Christian Church of God-Victory Assembly, Novar Christian Fellowship, St. James-Mar Thoma and The Redeemed Christian Church of God-House of Judah. We co-ordinate activities and services throughout the year, starting with services and prayers during “the Week of Christian Unity” which is usually the third week of January.

Next everyone is invited to take part in the Good Friday “Walk of Witness”, a procession, starting at 10.00 am, from Clare Corner to the Methodist church, stopping along the way for hymns and Bible readings.

We have recently been taking part in the ‘Southwoodparkfest’ providing free games and activities as well as providing information about the activities of the local churches. All Saints will be participating at the CTNE stall at the next “Southwoodparkfest” on Sunday 15th September 2024 between 1.00 pm and 5.00 pm.

Everyone is invited to take part in the Remembrance Sunday service, which starts at 10.45 am on the nearest Sunday to the 11th November, by the War Memorial in the grounds of All Saints, with the laying of wreaths and observation of the minutes silence.

A joint Carol Service is held in December with churches taking it in turns to host the event. Everyone is invited and there is usually a choir or two to boost the singing.

Also in December there are more opportunities to sing Carols as we sing for an hour one Saturday outside the New Eltham Library raising money for charity.

We also try to run open courses during either Advent or Lent to look at different ways religion is expressed.

As well as participating in the coordinating committee, All Saint currently provides secretarial support to CTNE.

We have recently been taking part in the ‘Southwoodparkfest’ providing free games and activities as well as providing information about the activities of the local churches. All Saints will be participating at the CTNE stall at the next “Southwoodparkfest” on Sunday 15th September 2024 between 1.00 pm and 5.00 pm.