Weekly Services

We offer a range of services every week in a friendly, welcoming environment. Our services are open to all with our celebration of Holy Communion at the heart of what we offer.

Holy Communion is the basic building block of Christian worship. We are instructed by Christ to partake of his body and blood symbolized by Bread and Wine, to remember not only the last supper but his ultimate sacrifice for us.

Through communion we are bound to Christ and to each other, not just receiving through this sacrament God’s grace but also willingly taking on all that being a Christian can mean for our lives.

‘I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen: not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else.’


Sunday 10.00 am Holy Communion

This is a sung service to music played on either the organ or piano.

On the third Sunday of every month we have a Family Communion Service, which is an all-inclusive service specially adapted to encourage families with children of all ages to attend and to feel at home. The church has a carpeted area with a range of toys and books where younger children can play safely within sight of their parents