Mission Statement

ALL SAINTS NEW ELTHAM MISSION PLAN – April 2023 to December 2025
At the request of the PCC a small group was set up at the end of 2021 with the task of reviewing and updating the ASNE Mission Action Plan (MAP). The group now consists of Rev’d Annette, Ayo Laval, Emma Lewis, Pam Piper, Sharon Broadey, George Hare, Liston Siregar and Neal Long.
During 2022, the MAP group while continuing to prepare the basis for the new MAP, met regularly to focus in particular on two projects linked to progressing aim C) below.
The first is the creation of a Peace Garden on unused land that extends from outside the Lady Chapel to the rear of the Vicar’s Garden.
The second is the introduction of an Asian Festival, the first of which was held at ASNE on Saturday 16th July 2022; the forerunner of what is intended to be many annual open days celebrating different cultures.
In spite of the limitations imposed by the Pandemic, the MAP Group acknowledged that progress had been made since 2019 in a number of ways including:
- Provision of new DDA (Disability Discrimination Act) compliant toilets in the Hall
- Creation of a new website
- Substantial and much needed overhaul of church drains
- Introduction of PA role to support the Vicar which has, inter alia led to the improved use and management of the Hall
- Use of colour copier to improve quality of service sheets, pew sheets and other materials
- Purchase of a piano that can be used for choir and concerts
- “Monk’s Garden” adapted to generate compost/plants for the Memorial Gardens
- Initial clearance and development of proposed site for Peace Garden
- Successful trial and implementation of contactless giving and purchase of associated CollectTin device
- installation of a WiFi/Broadband facility in Church to enable us to video and stream our services and to take online donations.

The previous ASNE MAP took as its guiding framework the Southwark Vision which is called Hearts of Fire with a Vision for Growth.
The key objectives of the Southwark Vision are:
- Walking with Jesus and getting to know Jesus better as we journey on
- Welcoming all, embracing our diversity and seeking new ways of being church
- Growing in numbers, generosity, faith and discipleship as we grow God’s Kingdom.
The new proposed MAP continues to align itself to this Vision by focusing on four aims which are:
A. To increase the appeal, impact and accessibility of our services of worship;
Further information on how it is proposed to implement this aim is provided by the following link: Worship.
B. To establish and implement a regular programme of maintenance and, where applicable, development, of our Church, Hall and Gardens;
Further information on how it is proposed to implement this aim is provided by the following link: Church, Hall, and Gardens.
C. To expand and strengthen our links with the community of New Eltham and with a wider community that are connected to ASNE in many different ways;
Further information on how it is proposed to implement this aim is provided by the following link: Community.
D. To increase our income so that we can continue to develop what we offer to the parish and increase what we give to the diocese.
Further information on how it is proposed to implement this aim is provided by the following link: Income.
These aims are not intended in any way to represent all of the activity of the church in the parish and community but are designed simply to reflect the proposed primary focus and Mission of ASNE over the period from April 2023 – December 2025.