Gardeners & Mowers

Neal needs Gardeners!
The gardens could not be maintained without the energy and commitment of volunteers. Although on average we get between 12-20 gardeners who regularly turn out and make a huge contribution, we could also do with a few who could commit 2-3 hours on a regular weekly basis.
Geoff needs Mowers!
The Lawns are also maintained by volunteers, who take it in turns to do the mowing every week between Spring and Autumn. So, if you would like to help and can walk in a straight line it currently means finding an hour to and hour and a half, depending on how fast you walk, every six or seven weeks, at a time to suit you during your allotted week. The more volunteers the fewer mows you will need to do.
For further information on how to commemorate a loved one within the Memorial Garden or how to volunteer to help in the All Saints Garden please go to Contact.