Annual Events
There are a number of community events that All Saints holds each year which everyone is very welcome to attend. They include:
Michaelmas Fair
Michaelmas, or the Feast of Michael and All Angels, is celebrated on the 29 th of September every year. St Michael is the Archangel who fought and defeated Satan, so that he is known as protector against the dark. As Michaelmas is the time that the longer nights and colder days begin – the edge into winter – the celebration of Michaelmas is associated with encouraging protection during these darker months.

Also known as “Goose Day”, because Michaelmas Day was traditionally when rents became due, so tenants requiring a delay in payment may have tried to persuade their landlords with gifts of geese!
Michaelmas Fairs are held throughout Britain and All Saints New Eltham preserves that tradition with many stalls in the Church Hall and, weather permitting in the church grounds; stalls laden with things to eat and drink, with early gifts to buy for Christmas, with seeds and plants for your garden, with a chocolate tombola and possibly even a goose to feast on!
“Eat a goose on Michaelmas Day, Want not for money all the year”.
Family Fun Day