Community Links

All Saints’ has many formal and informal links with the local community. Through our Church and our Hall we provide a welcoming venue for a wide range of school, club and uniformed organisation activities. 

Fair Trade Café

All Saints is a Fair Trade Church in the Fair Trade Diocese of Southwark. And our cakes are delicious! Why not come along to our regular Fair Trade Café sessions, held on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month between 10.30am and 12pm in the Savage Room in the Church Hall. As well as refreshments we have Fair Trade goods from Traidcraft on sale and all proceeds go to our monthly good cause (such as Christian Aid, the Demelza Hospice, etc). 

Churches Together in New Eltham

Churches together in New Eltham (CTNE) is an ecumenical fellowship of the Methodist Church, the Church of England, and the Roman Catholic Church. Members meet regularly to plan events such as the Good Friday Walk of Witness and shared Lent Discussion Groups.

We’re proud to support Bexley Food Bank

All Saints is one of a number of local churches assisting with collecting donations of non-perishable foodstuffs for the Bexley Food Bank.

The Food Bank Movement nationwide is supported and promoted by Christian charity The Trussell Trust and the aim is to have a Food Bank serving every community in England.

Food Banks provide immediate assistance for households struggling with balancing the budget. Each food pack is made up of essentials such as pasta, tinned vegetables and meat, breakfast cereal, tea and coffee, and local households in need are referred by Social Services, churches, GPs and health visitors.

Our local co-ordinator is our neighbour church the Avery Hill Christian Fellowship and we take our collected food to their church once a month. If you visit All Saints during the week and would like to support this local aid project, please bring a tin or a packet with you and leave it in the marked box at the back of the church. We would be so grateful!


All Saints’ Mums and Tots

We are a free-play carer & toddler group for all pre-school children from birth & their carers. We meet MONDAYS 9.30-12 noon and FRIDAYS 9.30-12 noon.

Cost: £1.50 per Adult, per session. Call 020 8859 0599 or e-mail Ruth Fancett for more information.

Rainbows, Brownies and Guides

Our hall is used weekly in term-time for Rainbows, Brownies and Guides. Please go to the Girlguiding website to get in direct contact with our local organisers.


Some of the local schools use our church for concerts and occasional services. We currently have links with

St Olave’s Prep School  and  Dulverton Primary School